Resistance Band Workout

By Jason Chamney, Fitness Science Director

Get in the loop, guys!

This week, we’re going to introduce you to working out with a resistance band.

Advantages of resistance bands:

  • They are an inexpensive alternative to gym equipment
  • They take up no room and are easy to pack into a suitcase, or to stow away if you are using your living room to work out
  • They are much lighter than free weights, barbells or kettlebells, and require almost zero storage, while still offering a functional workout
  • They recruit your stabilizing muscles, leading to a more functional form of fitness
  • They work on every muscle group
  • Resistance bands give you the most resistance at the point where you need it the most for strength training
  • You can double them up for more resistance, or use them together to customize just the right amount of resistance for you

What are resistance bands?

They’re essentially ginormous elastic bands that can be used in a huge variety of ways to add strength training to your workout. They’re perfect for at-home workouts.

You can get resistance bands in three sizes

(buy yours in our gear shop):

Yellow offers the least amount of resistance and is for recovery from injuries, etc ($15).

 Click on the image to purchase.

Red: medium resistance ($20)

Click on the image to purchase

Black: most resistance ($25)


Resistance Band Workout I

2-3 Rounds – 1-2 minutes between
Work Interval = 15-20 repetitions – so you hold form the whole set. Match Left to Right.
Rest Interval = Minimize but such that you can still hold form.

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